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Oct 7, 2018 12:22 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Deb
Planet Earth (Zone 8b)
Region: Pacific Northwest Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Garden Ideas: Master Level
I cannot imagine planting a blackberry (I live in an area that is totally over-run with invasive blackberries), but this is a very striking photo.
I want to live in a world where the chicken can cross the road without its motives being questioned.
Oct 7, 2018 12:24 PM CST
Name: Karen
New Mexico (Zone 8a)
Region: New Mexico Region: Arizona Region: Ukraine Cactus and Succulents Plant Identifier Plays in the sandbox
Greenhouse Bromeliad Adeniums Morning Glories Avid Green Pages Reviewer Brugmansias
I know what you mean. My sister lived in WA for many years. One year she thought someone had stolen her canoe. It turned out she found it later on, covered up by the wild blackberries! It would have covered her home if she hadn't constantly been beating them back.
Handcrafted Coastal Inspired Art SeaMosaics!
Oct 7, 2018 12:27 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Deb
Planet Earth (Zone 8b)
Region: Pacific Northwest Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Garden Ideas: Master Level
They WILL eat large items - cars, boats, porches... On the plus side, they make a rather inpenetrable hedge between properties, and give us delicious fruit as a compensate.
I want to live in a world where the chicken can cross the road without its motives being questioned.
Oct 7, 2018 12:28 PM CST
Name: Karen
New Mexico (Zone 8a)
Region: New Mexico Region: Arizona Region: Ukraine Cactus and Succulents Plant Identifier Plays in the sandbox
Greenhouse Bromeliad Adeniums Morning Glories Avid Green Pages Reviewer Brugmansias
I agree, they were great at keeping a good hedge between properties! I would have used the berries much more than she did.
Handcrafted Coastal Inspired Art SeaMosaics!
Oct 7, 2018 1:23 PM CST
Name: J Murphy
South Carolina (Zone 7b)
Region: South Carolina Beekeeper Irises
Glad you guys like the photo! Thank You!
I was raised having to pick blackberries in July and haven't forgotten the heat, snakes, thorns and chiggers! I never really even liked the taste.
If they had only had thornless blackberries back them! Now that I don't have a quota to meet every day, I've learned to like them better. Smiling
Oct 7, 2018 1:27 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Deb
Planet Earth (Zone 8b)
Region: Pacific Northwest Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Garden Ideas: Master Level
My neighbor gave me a thornless blackberry one time, which rather astounded me. I diligently put it in the ground but I apparently didn't water it enough or something and it never thrived. Himalayan blackberries are my favorite for pies and jam, and free to boot. No snakes or chiggers for me, but the thorns can certainly be ruthless!
I want to live in a world where the chicken can cross the road without its motives being questioned.
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