Viewing post #1014430 by dyzzypyxxy

You are viewing a single post made by dyzzypyxxy in the thread called What do you suppose happened here?.
Dec 23, 2015 6:00 PM CST
Name: Elaine
Sarasota, Fl
The one constant in life is change
Amaryllis Tropicals Multi-Region Gardener Orchids Master Gardener: Florida Irises
Herbs Region: Florida Vegetable Grower Daylilies Birds Cat Lover
Lindsey, sure hope your Vanda recovers. Keep us posted (when you get home, of course)

I just had to be-head my big Angreacum after it started losing leaves just like yours did. I had ignored it too long, as the rot started while we were away in Gr. Cayman. The whole top just flopped a couple of days ago. Crying Happy news is it has a couple of keikis that seem to be doing all right.
Thumb of 2015-12-23/dyzzypyxxy/ca3697 Thumb of 2015-12-23/dyzzypyxxy/649f08

"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." –Winston Churchill

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