Viewing post #1014617 by dyzzypyxxy

You are viewing a single post made by dyzzypyxxy in the thread called Macho Fern.
Dec 23, 2015 11:04 PM CST
Name: Elaine
Sarasota, Fl
The one constant in life is change
Amaryllis Tropicals Multi-Region Gardener Orchids Master Gardener: Florida Irises
Herbs Region: Florida Vegetable Grower Daylilies Birds Cat Lover
Oh, sorry it took so long for somebody to respond, Ibis! I don't have one here, but had a beauty in my yard at our last house. They certainly don't spread themselves around like the invasive Boston Ferns do, but they grow into a really huge plant if you plant them somewhere they are happy.

I mean HUGE. See the picture in your database link? (click on the link, then on the picture) See that blue thing holding the leaves of the fern up? It's a furniture moving dolly, probably almost 5ft. tall.

So, you'll be fine if you want a really large feature plant in a shady, moist spot.

"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." –Winston Churchill

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