Viewing post #1020643 by dyzzypyxxy

You are viewing a single post made by dyzzypyxxy in the thread called Root-fest.
Jan 2, 2016 1:56 PM CST
Name: Elaine
Sarasota, Fl
The one constant in life is change
Amaryllis Tropicals Multi-Region Gardener Orchids Master Gardener: Florida Irises
Herbs Region: Florida Vegetable Grower Daylilies Birds Cat Lover
The stem with leaves on my big Vanda is at least 4ft. tall, so when I cut it, the top will still be huge, and the bottom section will still have a dozen pairs of leaves plus a good sized keiki. I really should have cut it last summer, but it was blooming or getting ready to bloom every time I thought about it.

What I'm really wondering about is what constitutes a "viable root" on a Vanda? Are they still viable if they are shrunken and/or no longer turn green, or take forever to turn green when they are watered? Are they still viable if they are fat and firm, but covered with green algae?

A couple of my orchid books do recommend root pruning when re-potting other types of orchids, but I can never bring myself to cut off a plump, healthy looking root.

"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." –Winston Churchill

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