Viewing post #1021868 by DavidLMO

You are viewing a single post made by DavidLMO in the thread called Seeds Started on 1/3/16.
Jan 3, 2016 5:29 PM CST
Name: David Laderoute
Zone 5B/6 - NW MO (Zone 5b)
Ignoring Zones altogether
Seed Starter Avid Green Pages Reviewer Garden Ideas: Level 1
Have not planted anything in several days and I just hate when I can't garden so headed to the basement and planted:

Plumeria Alba
Plumeria Celadine
Plumeria Dwarf Gem
Plumeria Pudica
Plumeria Vera Cruz Rose
Plumeria Morange # 27
Brugmansia Rosalie x Sweet Fantasie - Thanks MKB136
Adenium Reborn - Thanks Froggie's Girl
Adenium Rainbow - Thanks Froggie's Girl
Dragon Fruit - Thanks Pistil
Musa Velutina - Thanks Ardesia
Black Pepper corns **

** Most sites say they won't grow. Some say they will. I am from Missouri - Show Me

Only got one 72 cell tray planted and was shooting for 3. Oh well.

Hopin my Plumeria seeds do as well as DrDawg's and bloom in 18 months!! :-))
Seeking Feng Shui with my plants since 1976
Last edited by DavidLMO Jan 3, 2016 8:15 PM Icon for preview

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