Viewing post #104011 by kaylyred

You are viewing a single post made by kaylyred in the thread called How big is a liner ?.
Mar 10, 2011 9:16 AM CST
Name: Karen
Watertown, WI (Zone 5a)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Dog Lover Hostas
I went on a nursery tour this week (more on that here if you're interested: http://petiolejunction.wordpre...) and they showed us liner-sized plants. In terms of perennials, trees and shrubs liners are the same as plugs are to annuals--tiny little rooted starters.

There's a photo of some annual plugs here (http://petiolejunction.wordpre...). These are next to 4" pots, so this gives you an idea of how small the plugs are. I expect it's about the same with hostas. If you get liner-sized plants you can expect the plant to take a year or two before it looks like the ones you'd see sold in a nursery.
Check out Petiole Junction, my garden blog! (I'd love your comments.)

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