Viewing post #1132851 by DomehomeDee

You are viewing a single post made by DomehomeDee in the thread called Pelargonium planter.
Apr 29, 2016 8:42 PM CST
Name: Dee Moore
Arroyo Grande, CA (Zone 9a)
Seller of Garden Stuff Seed Starter Garden Art Butterflies Annuals Cactus and Succulents
Greenhouse Container Gardener Region: California Winter Sowing Garden Photography I helped beta test the first seed swap
Just thought you all would enjoy seeing my Pelargonium planter I made in an old tractor part. They are all in separate pots with the bark around them to make them look like they are planted together. The plastic cups are protecting some seedlings I put in gallon pots for in the front. They are Crepis rubra, a pink dandelion looking perennial. The flowering ones in front in the ground are white flowering geraniums.
Thumb of 2016-04-30/DomehomeDee/d93135

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