Nice seedlings Larry, the first year seedlings normally will bloom earlier than the parents, after the first year they will settle down and bloom at the correct time.
I agree about the three year thing, most daylilies have to stay in one place for a length of time to show there potential. Here it's a little different because we have hardly any winter and they recover much faster, so I know after the second year if I will register the daylily or not. I also have a selection process that works really well for me, I never select a daylily until it reblooms, the rebloom will show me what scape improvement has taken place, like height, bud count and branching. There can be a big difference between that first scape and that rebloom scape on a first year seedling. The second year should show good all around scape improvement. None of the seedlings I have posted have been selected to keep because none have rebloomed. The bloom itself will basically remain the same, may get a little larger and the weather can cause some slight changes in the color.
This is a seedling that Kathleen ask me to keep, its
been in the same place four years, a huge clump,
branched like a tree, now I have to go back to my
archives to see what the parents are.