Viewing post #1135925 by Cyclaminist

You are viewing a single post made by Cyclaminist in the thread called Adlumia fungosa?.
May 2, 2016 1:43 PM CST
Name: Gabriel
Minneapolis, Minnesota (Zone 5a)
Freezing winters, warm summers
Native Plants and Wildflowers Vegetable Grower Region: United States of America Region: Minnesota Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Curious where you got this plant. It looks exactly like Adlumia fungosa to me. Dactylicapnos scandens has differently shaped flowers: widening at the base with two little pouches on either side. I can't find any mention of pink-flowered Dactylicapnos forms in my book on bleeding hearts and corydalis, and can't find anyone mentioning the cultivar 'Pink Heart' online (except here on this website). Is it possible this is Adlumia fungosa?

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