Viewing post #114275 by sassafrass

You are viewing a single post made by sassafrass in the thread called Pretty but No ID.
Jul 29, 2011 7:57 PM CST
South Dakota (Zone 4a)
Region: United States of America Charter ATP Member Daylilies Irises Farmer Seed Starter
Plant and/or Seed Trader Dog Lover Garden Art Enjoys or suffers cold winters Cut Flowers Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
seems this is a lovely lily but I have no idea what it is. Any ideas??
Thank you very much! Smells good too..
Thumb of 2011-07-30/sassafrass/bb3741

Thumb of 2011-07-30/sassafrass/94f311

she couldnt resist the temptation
Thumb of 2011-07-30/sassafrass/e29491

I did get a good laugh, she washed & washed but the stain was still there ~ she wouldnt let me take another picture
Thumb of 2011-07-30/sassafrass/2fd0fd

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