Viewing post #114516 by sassafrass

You are viewing a single post made by sassafrass in the thread called Pretty but No ID.
Jul 30, 2011 8:35 AM CST
South Dakota (Zone 4a)
Region: United States of America Charter ATP Member Daylilies Irises Farmer Seed Starter
Plant and/or Seed Trader Dog Lover Garden Art Enjoys or suffers cold winters Cut Flowers Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
seems these bulbs are all messed up.. I have one blooming in the same clump that is a yellow with red in the middle too.
They are lovely but gosh I wish I knew what they were. Now I get to dig & search out for the oddballs in the clumps & plant them in their own little spots. perhaps if I put a ribbon on the oddballs? Blinking Thanks for all the help. I sure do appreciate it!

These are actually trying to lay down with the flowers facing the ground.. I guess next year I will have to stake them ? will that help? what do yall do?
Last edited by sassafrass Jul 30, 2011 8:37 AM Icon for preview

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