Viewing post #1168426 by foraygardengirl

You are viewing a single post made by foraygardengirl in the thread called Molly's Mystery plant.
Jun 2, 2016 5:27 AM CST
Name: Jeanie
Minnesota (Zone 4a)
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Bee Lover Enjoys or suffers cold winters Sedums Garden Procrastinator Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Native Plants and Wildflowers
Region: Minnesota Hostas Heucheras Butterflies Cat Lover Daylilies
Hi there! My neighbor (in Minnesota, zone 4a) has a pretty plant in her front yard, but in one year it has filled an entire garden bed. It is about 2 feet tall and has small yellow multi-petaled flowers. Once the flowers fade, a skinny pod-like thing appears. That suggests to me it might be in the legume family? It is a rather bushy lush looking plant. Anyone know what it is? I have not seen one of these around here.
Thumb of 2016-06-02/foraygardengirl/6eaaa4

Thumb of 2016-06-02/foraygardengirl/94b633

Thumb of 2016-06-02/foraygardengirl/926c11

Thanks for your help!
Old gardeners never die. They are just pruned and repotted.

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