Viewing post #1191350 by cybersix

You are viewing a single post made by cybersix in the thread called Identification help! Is this Always Afternoon?.
Jun 23, 2016 1:42 AM CST
Name: Sabrina
Italy, Brescia (Zone 8b)
Love daylilies and making candles!
Garden Photography Cat Lover Daylilies Region: Europe Lilies Garden Ideas: Level 1
Kevin, here is the plant:

Thumb of 2016-06-23/cybersix/221b2e

There are no blooms today. I measured the scape height and it's 27" instead of the 22" given in the database.
It's one single fan.

The plant that I marked surely as Always Afternoon (in the spot I always remember it to be - single fan too) has the same height. I bought this DL three springs ago on Ebay and it never bloomed, so I'm not 100% sure it's Always Afternoon. How is the scape height of yours?
Sabrina, North Italy
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