Viewing post #1191422 by cybersix

You are viewing a single post made by cybersix in the thread called Identification help! Is this Always Afternoon?.
Jun 23, 2016 5:58 AM CST
Name: Sabrina
Italy, Brescia (Zone 8b)
Love daylilies and making candles!
Garden Photography Cat Lover Daylilies Region: Europe Lilies Garden Ideas: Level 1
Thank you David. I checked Siloam Merle Kent and the bloom is really similar but it should be a lot shorter than mine, 18 inches, while this supposed NOID is 27. I searched in the database on here for height 27 and color mauve but nothing useful came up. Will wait the other blooms to see it better.
Forgot to say, it didn't went dormant the past winter. The only true dorman I have is Stella de Oro. The others all remained visibile through the winter.
Sabrina, North Italy
My blog:
Last edited by cybersix Jun 23, 2016 6:02 AM Icon for preview

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