Viewing post #1191872 by cybersix

You are viewing a single post made by cybersix in the thread called Identification help! Is this Always Afternoon?.
Jun 23, 2016 12:40 PM CST
Name: Sabrina
Italy, Brescia (Zone 8b)
Love daylilies and making candles!
Garden Photography Cat Lover Daylilies Region: Europe Lilies Garden Ideas: Level 1
here's another bloom of the same plant in my sister's garden (it's in a pot)

Thumb of 2016-06-23/cybersix/968e75

Sharon, it's logical that height can vary a bit. With this plant I'm having 22/23 inches (whether it is AA or Wineberry Candy) versus the 27 it grew here.
I really can't understand what is!
Sabrina, North Italy
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