Open eye varieties can be a pain where they get lots of rain or high humidity but in some areas they do well and the flavor makes them worthwhile to grow. All figs are not created equal some taste like melons some taste like peaches some taste like berries and so on. Brown turkey is very common in the south but so is Brunswick aka magnolia but it is even more prone to souring then bt. The leaves on Brunswick are very different than bt and the figs are more oblong than bt. the faint stripes on your fig remind me of bt but without a photo of the foliage its hard to tell because they both have what we call hollow centers. To make things even more complacated there are about 6 different brown turkeys out there. To stop your figs from souring you can put a drop of olive oil on the eye or a pice of medical or masking tape over the eye. This way they can fully mature before you pick them. Your figs in the photo could have used another day or 2 to get the highest brix and less latex which can burn your lips tounge and throat if you eat too many.