Viewing post #1233870 by CarolHB

You are viewing a single post made by CarolHB in the thread called Blooming in August 2016.
Aug 4, 2016 5:50 PM CST
Name: Carol Roberts
Huntington Beach, CA (Zone 10b)
Sunset 24
Annuals Container Gardener Dog Lover Foliage Fan
That's for sure. I've got to find the time to stock up on supplies - I'm almost out of everything from potting mix to ferts to pots. I usually check at least once a week, but lately they've been predicting highs in the mid-70s and that's about 20* cooler than the reality. I put a thermometer out in the full sun area and keep forgetting to check it because its too hot to go out there. I managed to cut back the white sage. Having produced its little white flowers it immediately started looking dead, which I knew it would beforehand and I just couldn't stand it anymore.
Can't complain too loud about how the ball bounces when I'm the one who dropped it.

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