Viewing post #1257262 by Henhouse

You are viewing a single post made by Henhouse in the thread called Landscape pics.
Aug 29, 2016 11:57 PM CST
Name: Sherry Austin
Santa Cruz, CA (Zone 9a)
Birds Bulbs Region: California Dragonflies Foliage Fan Irises
Keeper of Poultry Roses Photo Contest Winner: 2015
I agree Tom... I was blown away by Finishing School..
Thumb of 2016-08-30/Henhouse/ef9416

Celia, I think I see a little Ice Plant that I just got this year in your pictures..

Beautiful clumps Leon!

Thank-you Lilli for showing the progression of your garden through the season... I wish we could grow some of those bulbs here.. We're a little warm for some of them, and some the gophers treat as candy... Glare

I've probably posted these at one time or another...

Thumb of 2016-08-30/Henhouse/514318 Thumb of 2016-08-30/Henhouse/e2dcbe Thumb of 2016-08-30/Henhouse/a24bec

Roses love Irises...
Thumb of 2016-08-30/Henhouse/36cac3 Thumb of 2016-08-30/Henhouse/4b5659 Thumb of 2016-08-30/Henhouse/c72572

Thumb of 2016-08-30/Henhouse/5cd151

Fun companions
Ipheon spread into this old clump..
Thumb of 2016-08-30/Henhouse/7f54d8

Iris pallida 'Argentea Variegata' w/ Echeveria elegans
Thumb of 2016-08-30/Henhouse/5c00ac

a better use for the vegetable garden..
Thumb of 2016-08-30/Henhouse/3d32ab
The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.

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