Will this work for lighting for these plants? I was thinking since the plants are in the basement and there is almost no light through the 2 small Windows I'd give them a little light per day but I don't know how to determine which plants need what lighting per day? Is this light too close to the plants? I added pic..
Also I was thinking this would be enough for lighting for these plants but when Im rooting plants and is colder in the basement I'd use heating rocks to keep root warm.. maybe in a fish tank or large area I could keep warm..will this work. I put my vases in side a fish tank and I put the rooted Persians Shields coleus n in it and a heating pad in there it got warm , coleus was looking good and 2 pieces of lucky bamboo seemed ok then I removed the heating pad and the plants remained inside the tank for bout 4/5 days n then I noticed the rooted Persians Shields leaves were turning black. I believe I almost lost them. Was this due to lack of air. It had a screen top..the coleus was fine n bamboo looked fine also. Just PS did that n I removed the black leaves n they seem perfectly fine now! Thank goodness. So is everything Im doing just wrong. I don't wanna give up but Im worried Im not making my plants happy. Im losing another one now! I don't understand why.