Viewing post #1292944 by sooby

You are viewing a single post made by sooby in the thread called Lighting is this ok?.
Oct 7, 2016 11:45 AM CST
Name: Sue
Ontario, Canada (Zone 4b)
Annuals Native Plants and Wildflowers Keeps Horses Dog Lover Daylilies Region: Canadian
Butterflies Birds Enjoys or suffers cold winters Garden Sages Plant Identifier
RickCorey said:I sure understand "using what you already have" and "how am I gonna hang this big thing THERE??!??"

I went through the same thing, I couldn't reasonably hang the shop light type fixture from the ceiling (old house, high ceiling). The quick and easy way was to use an old table, a couple of car jack thingys as in the pic below, one at each end of the table, set a length of wood, broom handle, whatever across them and then suspend the shop light on chains from that. Of course one can buy table units that do the job more aesthetically but do they ever cost a lot!

Some of the single smaller lights would work for individual plants, as was suggested earlier, but if I understand correctly lighting is required for at least a dozen plants?
Last edited by sooby Oct 7, 2016 11:46 AM Icon for preview

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