Viewing post #1305070 by Oberon46

You are viewing a single post made by Oberon46 in the thread called Managing lily bulbs in Anchorage, AK (Zone 4b).
Oct 24, 2016 7:49 PM CST
Name: Mary Stella
Chester, VA (Zone 7b)
Dahlias Canning and food preservation Lilies Peonies Permaculture Ponds
Garden Ideas: Level 2
Well, I got it done. Got a cardboard box and put some soil in the bottom layered sparsely lily bulbs, then more soil, then more bulbs until the box was full. I was able to put the box in a 13 gallon garbage bag just to assure that it didn't fall apart in the snow over winter, then out the garage door and by the back garage wall. It was 17F this morning (62F in the house because the battery in our computerized thermostat crapped out and wasn't sending the furnace instructions --brrrrr) and went up to about 34F with clear blue skies. But it will drop again tonight. Do you think it will be okay. I worry (although considering I was close to pitching them before I just stuck them in the crawlspace Glare ) that they will simply turn into ice cubes and croak. I could maybe throw a blanket or quilt over them??
From -60 Alaska to +100 Virginia. Wahoo
Last edited by Oberon46 Oct 24, 2016 7:52 PM Icon for preview

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