Viewing post #1332047 by HunterSThompson

You are viewing a single post made by HunterSThompson in the thread called Edithcolea grandis is sick!.
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Dec 9, 2016 10:08 PM CST
Name: Walter White
(Zone 12a)
I know this species is notoriously difficult to take care of. Here are 3 possible problems and 1 definite, big one.

The big problem:
Thumb of 2016-12-10/HunterSThompson/c3dc29

Potential problem: small, bubble-like thing at the tip
Thumb of 2016-12-10/HunterSThompson/20b707

Gray (dis)coloration?
Thumb of 2016-12-10/HunterSThompson/fd2654

You can see that the tips are getting a little darker
Thumb of 2016-12-10/HunterSThompson/6af9f0

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