Viewing post #1359677 by magnolialover

You are viewing a single post made by magnolialover in the thread called How To Germinate Peony Seeds Indoors.
Jan 27, 2017 9:38 PM CST
Name: Tracey
Midwest (Zone 5a)
Garden Photography Tomato Heads Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle Pollen collector Forum moderator Hybridizer
Plant Database Moderator Cat Lover I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Garden Ideas: Master Level Seed Starter
More questions! Do you ditch the floaters in the very first soaking ?
If the floaters soft or mushy yes, if I think the seed is solid and has any chance, I keep in... just in case.

3 months of warm. I don't look for anything to happen just maintain temp and damp medium.

Caroline, baggies work well because you can view things easily. It also helps keep moisture consistent.

Something as deep as a standard mum pot for depth. You will know when you see root length.

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