Viewing post #1509789 by Scatterbrain

You are viewing a single post made by Scatterbrain in the thread called How do you grow daylily seeds/crosses.
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Jul 23, 2017 1:31 AM CST
Name: Nikki
Yorkshire, UK (Zone 8a)
LA name-Maelstrom
Cat Lover Container Gardener Dog Lover Rabbit Keeper
Thanks to all the useful advice on here Thank You! I have my very first seed pods--what do I do next? When I collect the seeds (when they are ready and assuming I manage not to knock off the pods!) do they need to go in the fridge for a period of cold?

My main problem then is going to be how to germinate them. I can't do them on a windowsill in the living areas as the cats just knock them over and eat them so I have two options:

1) Start them in a basement using an electric propagator and grow lights where the cats can't get to them.

2) Grow them entirely outside (but keeping markers better this time) and know that if they grow they are UK hardy but will take a long time. (The cats are indoor cats and go into the garden under supervision as we are close to a busy road).

Which do you think is the best option for me?

What should I do about growing on/hardening off?

Please let me know about your own set ups and how you all do it, please, including any seed treatment before germination.

Sorry if these seem silly questions--most things I grow from seed I just scatter the seed onto seeding compost in a pot outside and leave them to get on with it as they are mainly annuals and hardy perennials (which is why I now have NOID seedlings from LA seed--oops!)

Thank you Thank You!

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