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Aug 12, 2017 2:33 PM CST
Name: Sreyomac
Henderson, TX
Just like the title says I think I have a question about everything in my yard. Hoping y'all can help me out. Im not new to dirt manicures, but my mentor and best gardening friend passed a few years ago. I miss her dearly and I went im out there fussing over and talking to my plants I always seem to add her the convo. lol... but I digress.
My azaleas are giving some trouble. Two last year just dried up and died. I water and fertilize with the correct azalea fertilizer but they still died. One this year is looking like its trying to do the same thing. I do not know what to do. I did notice that when they bloomed that looked strange and stuck to the leaves once dead. I replaced the two dead ones with some someone was going to throw away. They looked like healthyish plants but the color was off. They have never looked any different than these pics. No new growth and bright green leaves. Any help would be appreciated. Confused Thank You!

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Moving on to grass.... Last year I wanted to try and plant grass.... again. But by seed. Never got around to it. Probably 15 years ago we laid sod, St. Augustine. It lasted maybe 2 years. I was young and didn't realize the water intake needed for that varitity. Well I just happen to notice last year the was some of it growing under the Cedar trees in my front yard. So I have been watering and loving it and watching it grow. Then I started wondering what other grass I had growing and didn't know about. I asked the previous owners, they said they had planted Bermuda and St. Augustine as well. And ya know what, now that I sorta know what im looking for I can see it.... St. Augustine that is. Not sure which is the Bermuda. My question is what are the others that I have growing. Hell the others maybe all weeds.

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My Cannas had some worms that rolled the leaves and messed them up this year.... whats that about....

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My geranium is a trooper.... I left it for dead one winter and the next spring it was the best looking plant on the porch. but it has always been leggy and not quite right. Miracle grow and water the same as others. It blooms but is not pretty.

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Lets start the "What This" section of this thread....

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Now just let me show off some notable others.

Here is my "born again" 20 year old Croton. It was six feet tall before that one dreadful winter night. Brutus, we call him, was in the green house, heaters going, just like the winters before. But this night it dropped to teens and we lost electricity. Everything in my greenhouse was affected. Brutus looked sad with his colorful leaves wilted and gooey. I thought he was dead.... broke my heart!!!! I left him in there and came to check on him often. I cleaned all the dead leaves and cut the limbs back a bit is see if there were any signs of life. There was nothing.... Until one day, many months later I was walking by and some green caught my eye. OMGEEZSUS it was Brutus. HE LIVES!!!!! The sticks are what I cut off the second time, and I didn't cut them close, he still has some sticking up.... he was huge yall!!!!!

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These two bottom plants, Peace Lily I believe... also was in the green house and died to nothing and they both grew back. Both are from funerals... so I was happy!!! The arrangement looked much better berfore the bird won the war against the nest building. I could water it better.

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Others I have is an African violet, Mother of Thousands, Mother in law tongue and new this week Venus Fly traps.

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The other non notable things I have is my braided Hibiscus, Purple jew, Spider plants.. variegated and not, pothos ivy, elf ear or butterfly bush.. I think, and two orange trees... one common one and one ornamental, Iris, Calla lily, passion vine, hosta, monkey grass, and caladiums. Any advice or suggestions or anything of the such would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for looking. Thumbs up
Last edited by sreyomac Aug 12, 2017 2:37 PM Icon for preview

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