Viewing post #1543786 by csandt

You are viewing a single post made by csandt in the thread called Roses for some shade.
Sep 7, 2017 6:53 PM CST
Name: Carol H. Sandt
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Zone 6b)
Annuals Roses Peonies Region: Pennsylvania Region: Mid-Atlantic Hostas
Growing under artificial light Foliage Fan Daylilies Butterflies Bookworm Aroids
I would suggest Lady of Shalott, a tough, disease-resistant David Austin rose with apricot-colored blooms. Here are some photos I took on Tuesday, September 5. This rose was planted in the spring of this year.

Thumb of 2017-09-08/csandt/2fe08a
Thumb of 2017-09-08/csandt/de33a0

You can find other disease-resistant David Austin roses that will grow in shade here:
Last edited by csandt Sep 8, 2017 7:12 AM Icon for preview

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