Viewing post #1547236 by Bigfoot312

You are viewing a single post made by Bigfoot312 in the thread called Hilarious.
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Sep 13, 2017 4:28 PM CST
Fresno, California (Zone 9b)
Freedombelle said:This was so funny Rolling on the floor laughing Rolling on the floor laughing yesterday I sent some four o clock seeds with my SIL to take home and all I had was a aspirin bottle to put them in. LOL she said last night her husband popped it open and took a "aspirin" and told her those were some funny looking aspirins Grumbling Hilarious! Today they came over again to help work on the deck and I told him if he gets to feeling ill I have a huge bed of aspirin flowers Rolling on the floor laughing

Would have been even more funny if it was from the morning glory plant you posted

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