Can someone help me? I recently (maybe nearly a month ago) trimmed my HUGE Schefflera plant because I relocated. I immediately placed the three longest and the one shortest cuttings in dirt. I've done it before, so I felt comfortable. So shorter ones I put in water. The shortest one is doing well and is actually budding. Of the two taller ones I have left, they are struggling. The skin on the stalk is starting to look drawn up, whithered, like old wrinkly skin. I thought maybe it needed more water, but after some research today, I am thinking over watered in one - and too much heat for the other. The one with too much heat also have leaves that are dropping. Actually looks almost like a closed umbrella. Any suggestions? I would really like these cuttings to survive. The two that I put in water grew beautiful roots and I put them in dirt last week.
Any suggestions or thoughts would be super helpful.