Viewing post #1552919 by Bee_Happy

You are viewing a single post made by Bee_Happy in the thread called Plants that help the soil.
Sep 22, 2017 4:28 AM CST
Name: Bee
Happy In my Garden Of W'Eden
coconut said:Not plants, but i knew an old guy who would till in sawdust in the fall. He had the fluffiest blackest soil, in an area of Virginia that had heavy red clay soil. His veg patch could be seen from the road, and it was always gorgeous.
I agree I use premium wood pellet horse bedding from high-quality softwood pellets to bed my chickens on - when i clean them out gets put on my veg plots and when well rotted down as i mix it with compost gets used over the winter as a mulch in the flower beds that have died back - my soil is often referred to as black gold, thanks to my chooks bless um Big Grin

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