Viewing post #1560255 by Turbosaurus

You are viewing a single post made by Turbosaurus in the thread called Drooping ZZ Plant.
Oct 3, 2017 6:07 PM CST
Name: Paula Benyei
NYC suburbs (Zone 6b)
Overwatering vs underwatering is really hard to tell. 3 months is plenty for the plant to bounce back from any root damage while repotting.

Underwater and you plant cant get enough to drink. Overwater and your roots rot so the plant cant take in enough to drink.... you cant tell from a picture. If your pot doesnt have drainage holes then youre really in trouble when it comes to watering.
My advice is to go get a moisture meter ($5 on Amazon) so you can be sure.
The plural of anecdote is not data.
The plural of bozos is Dasilyl - so please don't engage with my website troll who typically caches my first post and responds ugly just to be nasty. If it gets upity, please ignore it.

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