Viewing post #1580076 by KahoutsIceKiller

You are viewing a single post made by KahoutsIceKiller in the thread called Help!!! Kahouts Icebreaker is dying!!!.
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Nov 5, 2017 8:33 AM CST
Hey guys,

First off, I am brand new to any kind of gardening/plant cultivating. I've had success (and a lot of enjoyment) with succulents and a few other varieties of indoor worthy plants for the past couple years. This led me to my current situation. A month and a half ago I was in Arcata, CA pursuing their farmer's market and came upon an ornamental plant vendor. Knowing nothing I browsed his inventory hoping to get one as an indoor potted plant. We talked for quite some time, and upon his recommendation for something "truly special", I purchased his only Kahouts Icebreaker, about 5 inches tall and grafted to some other tree section for the roots. It was extremely healthy and green with the needles tightly coiled around, as they should be. The man said I could not keep the tree indoors as a house plant, though I could keep it in a pot for the duration of its life. I told him I live in Gunnison, CO (ranked in the top three coldest locations in the US) and asked many times if it would survive here. He used to live in CO Springs and said he was familiar with my area and the temperatures. He told me that as soon as I flew home (the following day), I could put the tree outside and it would be fine (I was worried about cold shock- it didn't dawn in me until the next day that perhaps there are different rules if you keep the plant in a pot as opposed to the ground, less insulation- and now I could no longer ask the expert). Anyway, out of fear from a cold snap that was happening when I returned, I kept the tree inside for a few days where it seemed to be doing great. I then put it outside during the day and back in at night and then put it outside again and, if I remember correctly, left it outside for two night in a row until my husband decided on his own to bring it inside as he was worried about the roots freezing at night (tree is in one of those black, basic plastic planters which is sitting inside a ceramic pot). I think I put it outside again for a few more days and then ultimately brought it back inside as it appeared to look slightly altered (perhaps suffering?). The tree is now not ok. I'm pretty sure it's dead but I am desperate to try anything just to be sure! I have been absolutely obsessed with this tree since the moment before I bought it and was determined to cultivate and allow it to thrive! It is sitting inside near some filtered sun (not in full, hot sunlight), and I've only watered it once (gave it a soaking about a week ago following instructions to allow it to dry between waterings and then give a soaking, allowing the soil to fully drain). My Kahouts is becoming brown and the needles are slowly unfurling. I am assuming the roots froze and my poor baby is dead! Is there any hope whatsoever?? What can I do to save my Kahouts Icebreaker???!!!
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