Viewing post #1587801 by Bonehead

You are viewing a single post made by Bonehead in the thread called I need information on this plant.
Nov 17, 2017 11:41 AM CST
Name: Deb
Planet Earth (Zone 8b)
Region: Pacific Northwest Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Garden Ideas: Master Level
Huh, I thought they did. On further research, though, I have found some sources claim that lonicera native to the US (relatively few) have solid stems, while those from Europe have hollow stems and many have escaped cultivation and become invasive in some areas. Further checking seems to not support this simplistic approach either. I have two natives: L. ciliosa (orange honeysuckle) which has a hollow stem, and L. involucrata (twinberry) which I cannot easily confirm whether its stem is hollow or solid. Guess I'll have to go out back and snap one to find out! I do know all my cultivated lonicera have hollow stems. Always learning, and my apologies for the mis-information.
I want to live in a world where the chicken can cross the road without its motives being questioned.

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