Gideon4, most people who have Peonies with adventitious roots find out when they dig and move that plant and bits form a new plant later. Not saying your LC didn't form new eyes on existing roots, but your little plant could've been a LC seedling since it's such a good Peony parent. I'd certainly encourage it to produce viable seed if I were you, some of the most amazing new Peonies on the scene now have LC in its lineage.
Caroline, I think we're going in the right direction with some of the growers now. I see so many lectures and classes offered sponsored by some of the peony societies and there are so many blogs and videos available online. We don't see them here on our forum but several of the big growers are very active on Facebook in several of the groups. They routinely answer questions, share pics and offer encouragement to regular gardeners. They share which plants do well/poorly for them and the pics are amazing! I know not everyone wants to have a FB account but to me it's worth it for those groups alone! And it seems that every single flower family has its own groups! And I've only seen a couple of snarky comments and they're shut down pretty quick, not the general free for all the rest of FB has devolved to. You can make an account that's closed to all but friends, don't even have to use your real name and check some of them out. I think Planet Peony is the most consistently active but there are lots....