Viewing post #1657769 by Baja_Costero

You are viewing a single post made by Baja_Costero in the thread called Untitled.
Mar 11, 2018 7:29 PM CST
Name: Baja
Baja California (Zone 11b)
Cactus and Succulents Seed Starter Xeriscape Container Gardener Hummingbirder Native Plants and Wildflowers
Garden Photography Region: Mexico Plant Identifier Forum moderator Plant Database Moderator Garden Ideas: Level 2
I'll let the higher ups address questions related to policy or legal jeopardy, but in the interest of serving your personal needs, there's a setting you can use to control that (whether or not your pics can be added to the database). In case you didn't know. Go to your site preferences

Your Profile -> Site Preferences

and toward the bottom there's a way you can disable people from associating your pictures with plants in the database.

See "Allow your forum photos..." here:

Thumb of 2018-03-12/Baja_Costero/ea0b21

As you can tell by the example, I have already selected "No" because I kinda want to be the one who decides which of my pictures end up in the database. Usually I just want the best picture and I like being able to choose.

I hope this helps. I'm not sure I actually understood the question but it's above my pay grade so I'll leave that to others. Smiling
Last edited by Baja_Costero Mar 11, 2018 7:30 PM Icon for preview

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