Viewing post #1679413 by nikkik

You are viewing a single post made by nikkik in the thread called Browning Aloe.
Apr 9, 2018 7:30 AM CST
South Georgia (Zone 3a)
I left for spring break a few weeks ago. Before I did, I watered all of the plants I was planning on leaving behind. I keep my aloe Vera in a bowl, with rocks below for drainage, and left it in front of my window with the blinds up. When I returned, it was really brown. I googled for answers and saw that either light or too much water was the cause my problem. So I kept the blinds closed that day and I haven't watered it since. It looks a hell of a lot better than it did after I returned, but I'm worried because it is still a little brown. Should I cut some roots? Can I water it a little? Thanks in advance.
Thumb of 2018-04-09/nikkik/6fad0f

Thumb of 2018-04-09/nikkik/d61f57

Thumb of 2018-04-09/nikkik/f06981

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