Viewing post #1681390 by p3bog

You are viewing a single post made by p3bog in the thread called Sand for Sarrs & VFT.
Apr 11, 2018 3:48 PM CST
Name: Patricia
North Carolina (Triad) USA (Zone 7b)
Cat Lover Composter Daylilies Frogs and Toads Region: North Carolina
Thank You! Hurray!

I'm dreading digging it up. Right now I have Flava, Dixie Lace, purpurea, some VFT and a lost tag sarr or two that I want to get rid of so I can replace it with other sarracenia.

I bought some kiddie pools to start soaking the peat a few days before digging up bog. I'll cover it so stray cats don't think it's a big litter box. Sticking tongue out

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