Viewing post #1684374 by WillC

You are viewing a single post made by WillC in the thread called Care of a new Fittonia (nerve plant).
Apr 15, 2018 9:28 AM CST
Name: Will Creed
Prof. plant consultant & educator
Fittonias do better in increased humidity. Unfortunately, misting does not effectively increase humidity unless you are misting hourly 24 hours per day. Humidifiers work best and pebble trays are more effective than misting. Many folks use Fittonias in terrariums where humidity is maintained in the enclosed space.

It is possible to grow Fittonias without artificially increasing the humidity, but it requires very close attention to the soil moisture. This is a plant that does not tolerate dry soil, high temps or direct sun. The lower the humidity, the less the margin for error.
Will Creed
Horticultural Help, NYC
Contact me directly at [email protected]
I now have a book available on indoor plant care

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