Viewing post #1690598 by bloominholes2fill

You are viewing a single post made by bloominholes2fill in the thread called When Divide and Move Hosta?.
Apr 23, 2018 3:16 AM CST
Name: Dana P
Canton, OH (Zone 6a)
Project Junkie
Daylilies Butterflies Hummingbirder Cat Lover Dog Lover Roses
Region: Ohio Composter Birds Garden Photography Garden Ideas: Level 1 Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Hello gang! With the extended cold, some of my hostas are just now beginning to wake up and sprout. How big should the sprouts be before I can divide and move them around? I'd rather do it before they leaf out, but if that's not wise, please let me know! Smiling
Thank You! advance! I tip my hat to you.
Check out my jewelry shop, Dana Marie's Jewelry on Etsy!

"The heart is happiest when the head and the hand work together" ~ (Unknown)

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