Viewing post #1699834 by Starfishmomma

You are viewing a single post made by Starfishmomma in the thread called Mint is taking over my garden!! HELP!.
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May 4, 2018 6:27 AM CST
As always, it's a case of what you want and don't want to do. I certainly don't mind mint running amok normally. I even tried one year to grow numerous mints in a mint garden, I don't know what went wrong but many died off before they became established. Morrocan, chocolate, apple, pineapple, Swiss, peppermint and another type I can't remember. If you are going to have to put up with weeds in the garden, it could be worse than mint, at least it's useful and fragrant. Right now I have lemon balm spreading a bit - with help from me! A simple, attractive plant, not much attention needed, fragrant, useful leaves, easy to dig up a chunk and transplant and from my experience it's hardier than mint. Perennial, dying down over winter to miraculously regrow in spring to provide ground cover.
Last edited by Starfishmomma May 4, 2018 8:04 AM Icon for preview

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