Viewing post #1716677 by jasmi12

You are viewing a single post made by jasmi12 in the thread called Plants for an elderly person.
May 23, 2018 1:24 PM CST
Name: Jasmi

Hello :)

It is so so informative to read this forum and I am learning so much! Today, however, I have a question regarding my volunteer work and the eldery people.

I work as a volunteer for an organisation which supports eldery people. I know that with age it is getting more and more difficult to manage a garden (many eldery people live in flats without garderns, but very often they have at least a balcony). My question is - do you have any ideas how to re-introduce gardening (or taking care of plants) to my new friends? Some of them are 80-90 years old, but I feel that taking care of something alive and seeing the results of their work is motivating and satisfying.

Have a nice nice day! (evening :P )

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