Viewing post #1879156 by LolaTasmania

You are viewing a single post made by LolaTasmania in the thread called Rose ID help.
Dec 29, 2018 6:42 PM CST
Name: Lola
Region: Australia Birds Garden Photography Cottage Gardener Farmer Irises
Roses Keeps Sheep
This rose has been outside the public loos in Deloraine for as long as I can remember. I would love to know it's name so I can try to order it here before resorting to taking a cutting in the dead of night. It is between 3 - 4ft high and wide. I don't know if it has a scent as my nose is too busy with hayfever to notice. It gets BS but still blooms well.
Thumb of 2018-12-30/LolaTasmania/847cac

Thumb of 2018-12-30/LolaTasmania/590084

Thumb of 2018-12-30/LolaTasmania/3d4648Older bloom and bud.

Thumb of 2018-12-30/LolaTasmania/2e8369

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