Viewing post #1997520 by reh0622

You are viewing a single post made by reh0622 in the thread called Cane canker.
Jun 12, 2019 7:37 AM CST
Name: Rosemary
Sacramento, CA (Zone 9b)
I pulled Blue Moon out of its pot and there were all healthy roots. I'm sure Dr. Huey would have done well. So far this year with new bareroot plants, I have lost Blue Moon, Angel Face, Orchid Masterpiece, and Secret (only one I planted in ground last Feb.), and I think Oldtimer will be the next one to succumb. I pruned all other dieback and most suspected canker. It's hard to tell sometimes when it looks mostly healthy except for a black spotch somewhere. I disinfected with 70% rubbing alcohol after each cut. Some plants are down to one cane.. My bargain roses are turning out to be not such a bargain! My two potted roses from Home Depot look good except for blackspot. The potted one from Green Acres looks the best (all three were planted in 10 gal. pots for now). And healthiest of all is the one from Regan Nursery (bareroot into 15 gal. pot), and Rogue Valley (band now in gallon pot.

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