Viewing post #2229416 by slaguila

You are viewing a single post made by slaguila in the thread called Is this a gardenia, id please.
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May 6, 2020 6:18 AM CST
Name: Sandra
Miami FL (Zone 10b)
I had a neglected bush (I tough is gardenia)... I recently moved to a better place and now its flowering!, but their flowers looks much smaller and the buttons are different from a gardenia i have. It has small white flowers, they smells incredible.
I am happy it likes their new place! Please tell me if this is a gardenia

Thumb of 2020-05-06/slaguila/7436e7
Thumb of 2020-05-06/slaguila/56f095
Thumb of 2020-05-06/slaguila/e9debb

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