Viewing post #2266001 by ErickaJINX

You are viewing a single post made by ErickaJINX in the thread called Spider Plant- Large Leaves that Bend.
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Jun 7, 2020 10:15 AM CST

Hi! My spider plant is a monster. It's really huge. It's lived on this shelf near the window for 2 years where is gets about 2 hours of direct sunlight. I am sure that is why it has grown so large. (Added another image on a side table for scale.)

The leaves bend under their own weight. I am wondering if there is anything that I can do to prevent this.
Also, can or should I prune the bent leaves? Thank You!

Thumb of 2020-06-07/ErickaJINX/634daa
Thumb of 2020-06-07/ErickaJINX/64fbaf
Thumb of 2020-06-07/ErickaJINX/07a9d2

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