Viewing post #2355877 by arctangent

You are viewing a single post made by arctangent in the thread called Clearly invasive.
Sep 27, 2020 6:59 AM CST
Name: Elizabeth
Ann Arbor, Michigan (Zone 6a)
Bee Lover Peonies Native Plants and Wildflowers Region: Michigan Foliage Fan Dragonflies
Dahlias Garden Photography Cactus and Succulents Butterflies Bromeliad Bookworm
Everyone is free to add data to any plant in the database. I think I do more than my share of this. Feel free to update this plant if you think it deserves it. The USDA site I referenced said that it is on the noxious weed list in 46 states (including mine, Michigan). That pretty much covers it.
I post high resolution photos (nature, travel, and other subjects) on smugmug

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