Viewing post #2380535 by GeologicalForms

You are viewing a single post made by GeologicalForms in the thread called Blooms: their beauty and derivative species.
Nov 12, 2020 9:29 PM CST
Name: Sol Zimmerdahl
Portland, Oregon (Zone 8b)
Container Gardener Garden Art Sempervivums
That's why I'm excited about this prolific wulfenii looking seedling. 'Soul' is probably the closest to the real thing as I've ever had, and it didn't make an offset for two years, then bloomed out, not very impressive. I do have crosses between it and other wulfenii hybrids in their first year now though, some of these have superb forms already and I'm expecting all to have good wax, now if I can get some proliferation and health out of them I'll be set.

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