Viewing post #2381278 by GeologicalForms

You are viewing a single post made by GeologicalForms in the thread called Blooms: their beauty and derivative species.
Nov 14, 2020 3:23 AM CST
Name: Sol Zimmerdahl
Portland, Oregon (Zone 8b)
Container Gardener Garden Art Sempervivums
'Silver Song' is a much better grower than 'Soul', I may prefer the monochromatic color of 'Soul' in some seasons, but that in no way makes up for the discrepancy in growth. It's been difficult for me to select between my own wulfenii hybrids, often those with the most interesting form are also the slowest producers and the most rot prone. I have one with extra wide leaves held tightly in a rounded rosette, but it's now entering it's third year without sprouting a single chick, I don't know if I can justify using it in further crosses, despite the cool form. That one is 'Silverine' x 'Lilac Time' so I'd bet it's got lots of wulfenii genes.

I wanted to run this bloom by you, any ideas on it's heredity? This is one of the stronger pink shades I've seen, it's coming from 'Saharasonne', which I suspect to be a tectorum x marmoreum, but these blooms are a darker pink than I'm used to...
Thumb of 2020-11-14/GeologicalForms/593e75

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