Viewing post #2412972 by 4susiesjoy

You are viewing a single post made by 4susiesjoy in the thread called Northern Gardening Chat & Weather.
Jan 8, 2021 7:23 PM CST
Name: Susie
Leonard, Minnesota (Zone 3b)
Annuals Herbs Heucheras Canning and food preservation Irises Lilies
Region: Minnesota Native Plants and Wildflowers Peonies Sedums Seed Starter Vegetable Grower
I'm not nearly as excited about sub zero temps as you, RpR, I think this has been just about right for temps. but I would like a little more snow. Having it not so cold makes the winter seem to go faster to me. I'm sure hoping it doesn't stay warmer most of the winter an then the cold moves in for March. That's when many ranchers and farmers are having calves born so a cold, wet spring is really hard on the baby animals.

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