Viewing post #2415579 by gardenfish

You are viewing a single post made by gardenfish in the thread called My tomato plants are dying.
Jan 13, 2021 7:35 AM CST
Name: Lynda Horn
Arkansas (Zone 7b)
Eat more tomatoes!
Bee Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Tomato Heads Salvias Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Peppers
Organic Gardener Native Plants and Wildflowers Morning Glories Master Gardener: Arkansas Lilies Hummingbirder
Well, now that you say wilt, a bell went off in my mind. I'm wondering.... versillium wilt? Bacterial wilt? The way to diagnose this is to slice open the stem; if the inside of the stem is blocked, dried up and funny looking it's wilt. Try doing this, cut the stem in half, look at it, then try to post a pic of it. I've had tomato plants die of wilt: if it is wilt, I will recognize it in the pic.
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Mother Teresa

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