Viewing post #2424552 by Hiyamakki

You are viewing a single post made by Hiyamakki in the thread called 2021 Dahlia Season.
Jan 27, 2021 5:34 PM CST
Maryland (Zone 7a)
Bookworm Roses Region: Maryland Peonies Hibiscus Herbs
Dahlias Cut Flowers Cat Lover Region: Canadian Garden Photography Butterflies
That's so nice Scarlet! My dad is an avid rose gardener and it's been great having something in common. We complain about aphids, sendnpics of our star performers and I sent him some rose bushes as a surprise gift. My mother on the other hand likes peonies which I have only recently started growing. Eventually it will be nice to get her advice on dividing roots which I've never done.

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